Tuesday, September 20, 2005

harry potter vs. narnia

Nate and I ran into a couple in the hot tub at Skamania Lodge about a month ago. we didn't know them but the guy signaled to the book nate was reading and commented approvingly on his choice. nate was reading mere christianity by c.s. lewis. love c.s. lewis! so, we started talking about what a great author, thinker, philosopher c.s. lewis was and what great books he put out. that lead us to the chronicles of narnia (sp?) series and our excitement at the new movie coming out on the series....as the conversation progressed we were able to deduct that they were "religious" of some sort and they realized the same of us, or at least it was assumed when we mentioned that both of us work at our church full time).......we were doing fine and connecting well until the guy said "oh we just love c.s. lewis and the chronicles of narnia. it's such a great way for kids to learn about good and evil [...] but you know those harry potter books they've got out these days....they're just plain evil! it's just a shame how parents let their kids read that garbage [...] you know i've seen kids before and after reading those books and their whole outlook changes....they become depressed and angry [...] blah, blah, blah....

our conversation was over after that, just as soon as it began. what was i supposed to say to that? we just kinda responded like, "oh really?" and there wasn't much to say after that......they just assumed that because we worked at a church we would hold the same opinions as them.......it really baffles me how christians get soooo legalistic and judgmental. i'm still baffled to this day at how i so quickly became that way when i was 15....thankfully i got over that quick....

what is the difference between the magic in the chronicles of narnia that c.s. lewis writes about and the magic in harry potter? if the guy's case on the matter is that the narnia books are great for showing kids good and evil......harry potter does just that! they both include magic. seriously, am i really missing something that's very terribly wrong with harry potter? i'm willing to hear someone's debate on this if they think i'm wrong....maybe i'll hear some feedback that'll make me change my mind. but until then.....i think all the negative hubbub surrounding harry potter is stupid and just another way for religious christians to create an "in" or "out" of the club mentality towards other people and makes it easier for them to reject people while feeling justified in doing so.


Anonymous said...

Well said Teresa
I agree with you 100%!!!

Matt said...

Hmmm Good Point I say we just declare all books as being evil! Muhahahaha.....

Mary said...

i fully agree. kudos to you for extending a graciousness to them that they weren't extending to the folks of harry potter, etc.

i'm actually posting this many days after reading it cause it's been still stuck in my head. good good post.