Tuesday, May 9, 2006


ok. here are the questions:

1. What comes to mind when you hear this: "The Treasure Quest: Living a Pirate's Dream"
2. How much is too much to pay for a T-shirt promoting a church event?
3. What qualities would you want in that T-shirt.
4. Of those qualities, choose your top three "deal makers." In other words, what top qualities on your list would make you want to pay money for the T-shirt?
5. How old are you? (because I'd like to know the age range of the survey group)

and lastly

6. Would you be willing to get your friends to respond on this too and get back to me with their responses?

even if the answer to that last question is "no" I'd still love to get your responses. so? what say you?

i'm waiting in anxious anticipation. i'm biting my nails.


Janice said...

1. National talk like a pirate day
2. I would say up to $15 is good
3. soft, cool looking, fits relatively well
4. see 3
5. gee I dunno
6. Uhhh sure why not

Mary said...

1. johnny depp
2. $20 is too much
3. soft tee in small sizes (i hate when they only get hard cotton in XL sizes)
4. it's got to be a nice fit with short sleeves that aren't too long
5. 25.
6. will do my best!

Abiding said...

1) another youth conference with veggie tales


3) soft material, varied color choice, small and simple logos

4)same as 3

5)30 somethin'

Teresa said...

janice, mary & abiding....thanks so much for your input! it was very much appreciated!